Finished's Two-Minute Film Fest has ended.

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Enter our Two-Minute Movie Contest!
How does it work?
Use your film-making skills to create a two-minute video - preferably one with a plot or story. Any subject, any topic (within reason, of course - see our Rules Page for complete details). We've even made a short video to explain the details.

Who determines the winners?
A panel of judges from the Rogue Valley's film industry will select the top three videos. Our judges are: Joanne Feinberg, program director of the Ashland Independent Film Festival; Gary Kout, a producer who has worked on multiple movies in the Rogue Valley, including 2009’s “Calvin Marshall,” for which he was a line producer; and Rory Finney, a local photographer and videographer with a film in this year's Ashland Independent Film Festival.

Online voters will select a people's choice award.

All winners will be announced May 1, 2011 online and in the Mail Tribune.

Are there prizes?
Cascade Community Pool has provided prizes that will be awarded by our judging panel.

First Prize: A six-month membership that includes access to fitness classes, lap and open swimming. Valued at $295
Second Prize: A 90-minute private pool party. Valued at $150
Third Prize: Three months of free swimming lessons (24 Lessons). Valued at $120. A 25 percent discount will also be offered to additional siblings in the winner's family who want to take lesson those three months.

The people's choice winner will get two tickets for a Hellgate jetboat excursion. Valued at $74
Questions can be sent to

A big thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated in this contest. Come check out the second annual Two Minute Film Festival at
All times are in Pacific Standard Time.            Completed            Current           Future   
Submission Period Voting Period
Fri, Mar 04 2011 12:01 AM -
Fri, Apr 15 2011 6:00 PM
Sat, Apr 16 2011 12:01 AM -
Sun, Apr 24 2011 12:00 PM
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Two-Minute Movie Contest

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